About Me

I am Terry: Kind, Sensitive, Compassionate, Intuitive, Fair, Resilient and Courageous.



How have I got to this point?

So here I am, without judgement or criticism; a human, offering space to another with compassion, honesty, empathy and care.

Fifteen years ago, I was bumbling through life married, divorced, married again, had a job as an Occupational Therapist, working for the NHS, had a baby and pregnant with number two! You know, I was alright!

Little did I know that the birth of my second child would turn my world upside down, inside out and jiggle everything I ever knew about myself into a massive unsortable pile of confusion! I hit bottom, break down.

I was unable to return to work as I knew it and became a stay-at-home mum. Postnatal depression took hold and suicidal thoughts took over. I asked for help, waited and it never came. Despondent, I sought the assistance of a private counsellor and thought I’d give it a shot. I literally had nothing else to lose!

That lady became a keystone in my life and for the first time that I could ever remember, I felt heard. She didn’t leave me, she wasn’t unkind, she didn’t hurt me, I had no idea who she was, where she came from… but… it was like a guardian angel had been sent and slowly but surely, somehow, I found my way.

The process of gathering each strand of confusion from my pile, slowly winding it up, and unearthing a whole history of childhood trauma challenged my self-belief, value and worth.


Photo of Terry Edser

Over time, I explored various coping techniques, breathing, mindfulness, shamanic practices, living in the present, reiki and energy healing. I relearnt how to function with this new undiscovered version of myself. I found that I could in fact thrive, discovering contentment and enjoyment in life.

In 2019 I felt a pull in my soul to learn reiki. I had been receiving it for a number of years and as I learnt the practice, I could see some of my old self, the ability to hold groups, teach and use those Occupational Therapy skills. As my Reiki practice has developed, I have recognised to be heard as well as held, I needed to train as a counsellor and in turn, give back what I had received.

In early 2023 I returned to work in the NHS and have regained my state registration as an Occupational Therapist working within inpatient acute mental health. I have completed counselling placements working within crisis support, addiction, and homelessness. My clinical supervision enables me to practice as a Counsellor and an Occupational Therapist. I now work for a local charity as a part time Counsellor.

I am able to offer private Counselling, Psychotherapy, Occupational Therapy and Energy Healing.

Trees and Sky
Rocks and River Tranquility

About My Training:

My counselling training is in humanistic and integrative psychotherapy based on Clarksons Systemic Integrative Psychotherapy Model.

Humanistic: suggests that when we experience empathy and unconditional positive regard and the therapist is congruent, in other words aware within him or herself of what s/he experiences and prepared to communicate this when necessary, then we will naturally heal, grow and discover our unique potential.

Integrative: means that a variety of therapeutic approaches and ideas are known and so the therapist can sensitively adapt to the needs of each individual.

By using the systemic integrative psychotherapy model, my belief is that the relationship between therapist and client is as important as the type of therapy practised. It is often within relationships, as children with our parents and with significant people throughout our lives, that emotional injury occurs, and it is within the relationship with the therapist that these injuries can surface and be resolved.

I am also very influenced by my Barefoot Practitioner Training (www.livingtao.co.uk) and breathwork. These approaches have much in common with mindfulness, living in present moment and viewing the body as integral in working with emotional difficulties. It is my belief that this is where the healing process of energy healing can enable a shift in work done through talking therapy.

Black and White landscape - peace calm
Professional Registration and Insurance:

I am a member of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (BACP), the National Counselling and Psychotherapy Society (NCSP/NCS), the UK Reiki Federation, the Royal College of Occupational Therapy (RCOT) and I am a State Registered Occupational Therapist with the Health Care Professions Council (HCPC).

I follow the Ethical Code of Conduct for each organisational body to ensure my credibility as a professional.

I am fully insured as a Counsellor and Reiki Master with Holistic Insurance. My insurance as an Occupational Therapist is with the (RCOT).

I hold a current Enhanced DBS Certificate and I am registered with Information Commissioner’s Office for Data Protection.

Registration Details:

BACP Number: 00978691

NCS Number: NCS23-04184

UK Reiki Federation Number: 2020251

RCOT: BT00868221

HCPC, Health & Care Professions Council: OT40605

ICO:  ZB451324

Find my professional membership under the name search of Teresa Sarah-Jane Edser



AIMS Level 4 Diploma in Counselling Practice (2023)

CAPCB Level 3 in Counselling Studies (2021)

NCFE Level 2 in Counselling Skills (2021)

Medical Reiki Master, Energy Medicine (June 2020)

Shinpiden Level 3 Usui Reiki (May 2020)

Okuden Level 2 Usui Reiki (October 2019)

Shoden Level 1 Usui Reiki (July 2019)

BSc (Hons) in Occupational Therapy (2004)  

Additional Training:

PMVA (Prevention and Management of Violence and Aggression) Level 3 (2023)

Advance Barefoot Practitioner Training (2017-2023)

ASIST – Applied Suicide Intervention Training (2022)

First Aid for Mental Health (2021)

Youth First Aid for Mental Health (2021)

How to do Counselling Online (2021)

Bereavement Support Foundation (2021)


Counselling Placements:

Somewhere House Acute Residential Addictions Unit (2022)

Elim Connect Centre (2022-2023)

Elim Dairy House Homeless Support (2022-2023)

Mindline Somerset (2021-2023)