Counselling &
Energy Healing
You have found your way here. You are welcome.
It can take courage to seek support and bravery to follow through with reaching out, contacting a stranger. In the ‘about me’ section, you can get to know me a little and see how I work.
Please use this space to take some time to see if I am the therapist for you. Although separate for ease of clarity and explanation, more often my clients like to work with the combination of integrative therapy.
Use the links below to guide your way though this site and if you feel you would like to make contact, I’d be happy to hear from you when you are ready.

Terry Edser
BSc (Hons), Dip.Couns, MBACP, MNCPS (Acc.), MRCOT, HCPC

About Me


Energy Healing

If you have found me when you are in a place of CRISIS, needing urgent medical or emotional support; contact your GP, call 111 for advice or dial 999 and reach out for help.
Alternatively, you can use the following helplines to support you in this moment.